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Are you overusing express-validator’s custom validator?

Are you overusing express-validator’s custom validator?

express-validator is a popular express middleware library used to validate and sanitize user input. It offers a set of express…
Making the Leap: Why Switching to RTK Query from Saga Makes Sense

Making the Leap: Why Switching to RTK Query from Saga Makes Sense

Introduction: In the ever-changing world of web development, developers are always on the lookout for tools and technologies that can…
How to make your life a tad bit simpler by using Vite over Create React App

How to make your life a tad bit simpler by using Vite over Create React App

For browsers, anything that is not HTML, CSS and JS is strange. Fancy tools such as React are aliens. That's…
My Internship Experience at Addis Software: A Journey of Growth and Learning

My Internship Experience at Addis Software: A Journey of Growth and Learning

During my internship at Addis Software , I had the opportunity to gain real-world experience in the software development industry.…
ios 16 And It’s Exciting New Features

ios 16 And It’s Exciting New Features

The public version of iOS 16 was released on September 12, 2022, and it came with newer and better features…
A deeper look into React Native and its architecture, Part II

A deeper look into React Native and its architecture, Part II

In the first part of this article, we saw how the current react native architecture works along with the problems…